My Blog


Sketchbook Journaling

I have a sketchbook journaling group that meets on Wednesdays at my home for two hours. At the first meeting we made our coptic bound journals. Since then we have been getting together and encouraging eachother to fill them. We started out with a patterns theme and experimenting with drawing and colors and words. Now we're going to do some experiments with collaging. Last weeks three suggested assignment were:

1. photocopy a photograph, glue it into the journal and embellish it with paint or words,

2. draw something you wear and love.

3. copy a piece of art by a favorite artist

My pages above have a photo of Sammy wearing a new necklace that I made and lost within 24 hours, a drawing of a favorite button bracelet of mine, and some casual gouache reproductions of artists, whose work I like.

If anyone is interested in joining us, please send me an email. We meet from 2-4 on Wednesdays. We share ideas on many things and links to artists and quotes and books. Two that I shared this week were Misty Mawn, who has a wonderful creative website, and Maria Popova's brain pickings, which my sister-in-law introduced me to and I now support.