My Blog

May 27, 2015 Journal Review


Hey guys,

We're on again for tomorrow from 2-4. Last week Camilla Eagan joined us, and she and Kim and I painted pears. Camilla glued her pear onto the cover of her new journal.

While drawing and talking as we like to do, Camilla and Kim mentioned an article in the globe about a newly published Sketchbook Project book. There is a The Sketchbook Project Library that began in Atlanta in 2006, and moved to Brooklyn in 2009. It has grown from a small organization into a worldwide community of over 70,000 artists. Maybe sometime we can organize a trip to Brooklyn to visit the museum.  There was a good article written up about the book in the Austin Chronicle. Hopefully it will arrive at my house tomorrow in time for you to look through it and be inspired. 

Kim recently participated in a two day "Expressive paintings from photos workshop" with Nancy Colella. She is going to share some of Nancy's techniques with us tomorrow. It involves photographs with simple subject matter, bright colors and shadows. If you have any photos with those characteristics bring them with you tomorrow. I will have some photos here as well. I attached Kim's photograph of pears beside her completed painting below. Pears seem to be a popular theme. 

In looking above at the Sketchbook Project site, another thought for tomorrow is to glue a section of a newspaper article into your journal, and we can paint over them with Gouache. Gouache is an opaque watercolor so it is thicker and more vibrant. 

I am attaching a link to a section of the latest Brain Pickings Weekly entitled Nine Podcasts for a Fuller Life.  It has a most wonderful and beautiful podcast, interviewing Mary Oliver, on being. If you haven't subscribed to Brain Pickings, I highly recommend you do so, but be prepared to get lost in all the many directions it will lure you off into.


Hope you guys can make it tomorrow from 2-4. I'm thinking of extending the time from 1-4. Let me know what you think. I haven't been very productive myself this week, although I did make a new journal since I only have two pages to go in my recent one. 
