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Found a photo of this bug online. He's actually much more beautiful than he is creepy, but I'm not so sure I'd still feel that way if he landed on me!

I'm still running one day behind on my "Everyday in May" drawings...need to draw gloves today in order to catch up. Not so sure I'll make it. This is our last night in Boulder and then back to New England. We've been eating way too much good food, but we did make a two hour hike up to the first Flatiron today. Boulder is one of the most beautiful cities anywhere, and the University is such a wonderful wonderful school where the kids seem happy & healthy and engaged. They all seem to love their professors, and if you think about it, who wouldn't want to teach here where the quality of life is so high. Wish we had another week out here. As Julie Andrews said at the end of her commencement speech, " The hills are alive with the sound of CU students!"